Dermaplaning in Addison, TX

If you want an instantly fresher, smoother face that’s free of peach fuzz and dead skin, dermaplaning at Star Rejuvenation & Wellness Center in Addison, Texas, is the procedure for you. Ideh MacDonald, FNP-C, may recommend dermaplaning to busy clients who want healthier, more glowing skin in just under an hour. Treat your skin to a fresher, newer layer with a dermaplaning treatment today. This service is only available to book at Star Rejuvenation & Wellness Center through call or text only.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation that instantly improves the appearance and texture of your skin by removing dead skin cells and the vellus hairs (or peach fuzz). Ideh uses a special, sterile surgical blade to whisk off the top layer of your skin, revealing a layer underneath that’s smoother, brighter, and hair-free.

What are the advantages of dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning gives you instantly silkier, more glowing, and fresher-looking skin. When you remove peach fuzz as well as dead skin cells, your make-up glides on more smoothly, too.


  • Accelerates natural skin shedding
  • Brightens and tones skin
  • Improves texture
  • Makes skin more elastic
  • Minimizes pore size
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation
  • Softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stimulates circulation of blood and lymph

Dermaplaning reveals a new layer of skin that’s better able to absorb products, such as nourishing serums, to improve your skin’s health. When your skin is free of peach fuzz, it’s less liable to trap dulling dead skin cells, old make-up, and debris.

What happens in a dermaplaning treatment?

Ideh or another highly trained aesthetician at Star Rejuvenation & Wellness Center first thoroughly cleanses your skin in preparation for dermaplaning.

Ideh holds the dermaplaning blade at a 45-degree angle and expertly removes dead skin and peach fuzz with short, feathery strokes. She works in the direction of hair growth for the smoothest, silkiest results. Your treatment usually takes less than half an hour, so you can return to your busy day directly afterward.

Ideh may apply a hydrating and nourishing serum to your fresh new skin. She also recommends wearing a high-quality, medical-grade sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your glowing new skin from the sun’s damaging rays.

How long does dermaplaning last?

Directly after your treatment, you notice that your skin looks and feels fresher, tighter, clearer, and more glowing. Your benefits continue for about a month.

At that point, the outer layer of your skin accumulates debris and old skin cells that need to be sloughed off. Your vellus hairs have grown back, too. Ideh recommends monthly dermaplaning treatments to keep your skin looking fresh, healthy, and youthful all year round.

Start dermaplaning today for new skin in less than an hour. Contact Star Rejuvenation & Wellness Center by phone or use the online form.

Dermaplaning & Chemical Peel Pricing



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